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6 Safe Ways to Kill Ants your Exterminator Doesn't Want you to Know

Six Killer Ways to Kill Ants Exterminators Won’t Tell You

Ants are everywhere. And, crawling where they shouldn’t in their single-file lines. When you try to cook or even brush your teeth, you have to stop and wipe up the ants.

You’re tempted to call the exterminator because you need relief, now.

What’s the solution? Check out six proven ways to get rid of ants.

Be honest.

You’re worried about safety and effectiveness.

No worries! All six are organic remedies AND they are proven to kill carpenter, sugar and fire ants.

Best of all, you won’t need to call your exterminator.

4 Ways to Kill Ants Without Chemicals that are Harmful

Relief is closer than you think. You probably have three of these ingredients in your pantry.

  • Dust area with baking soda
  • Dust area with cinnamon
  • Crush or chop pieces of bay leaf and sprinkle area
  • Sprinkle area with natural, food-grade diatomaceous earth (do not use pool grade DE)

Never heard of diatomaceous earth (DE)?

DE is a white powder that is the fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton. When a bug with an exoskeleton (think ant, roach, flea, bed bug) comes into contact with DE, it sort of works under the shell, punctures the body, and the bug dies.

Sounds like just what you need, right?

But, admit it. It also sounds dangerous…

You don’t have to worry though because DE is completely non-toxic. While it certainly is dangerous to bugs with exoskeletons, all mammals are safe from its effects.

More good news. There is no buildup of tolerance like poisons because the killing method is physical, not chemical.

Keep these things in mind:

  • Remember to keep the DE dry
  • Although you can eat food-grade DE and rub it on your skin, do not inhale DE because the silica is bad for your lungs (wear a mask when applying)
  • Buy it at your local natural gardening store or order from arbico-organics.com
  • Always use food-grade DE and not pool-grade DE

(source: www.richsoil.com/diatomaceous-earth)

2 Ways to Kill Outdoor Ants – Fire & Carpenter Ants

  • Fire Ants: Mix the following (find these ingredients at your local organic retailer like an organic gardening store or order at arbico-organics.com.)
    • 2 oz. Compost tea
    • 2 oz. Horticulture liquid molasses
    • 2 oz. Orange oil
    • 1-gallon water
    • Mix and pour on fire ant mounds
  • Carpenter Ants:  Mix the following (find these ingredients at your local organic retailer like an organic gardening store or order at arbico-organics.com.)
    • 2 oz. Orange oil
    • 1-gallon water
    • Mix and spray

What is orange oil?

Orange oil is simply the raw oil collected from the citrus peel during the juicing extraction. Orange oil degrades the waxy coating on the exoskeleton of insects, causing dehydration and asphyxiation of insects, not you.

Dehydration and asphyxiation sound perfect, right?

What is compost tea?

Compost tea is a concentrated liquid created using a process that increases the numbers of beneficial organisms as an organic approach to plant/soil care.

You can brew your own, or better yet, simply buy some at our local organic gardening store. (source: http://www.simplici-tea.com/simplici-tea-wp/home/what-is-compost-tea/)

What is horticulture liquid molasses?

Liquid Molasses is a soil amendment to feed and stimulate microorganisms. You use it in sprays to help organic pest controls and as an ingredient in many organic fertilizers. (source: http://www.dirtdoctor.com)

Cross that ant problem off your list!

Now you’re armed with six “killer” ant killers, so start sprinkling, dusting, and spraying. Cross the ant problem off of your list and remove your exterminator from speed dial.

Need Help with Controlling Other Pests–Naturally?

Got a flea problem? Read The Best Way to Get Rid of Fleas, Naturally. Don’t skip the step of treating your yard with beneficial nematodes. It’s the key to keeping fleas away.

You’ll also learn how best to calm flea bites.

Safe Ways to Kill Fleas Naturally

The Best Way to Get Rid of Fleas, Naturally!

Bothered by roaches? You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to control them without harmful substances. Read How to Solve your Bug Problem without Harmful Chemicals.


Best All Natural Ways to Kill Bugs

If mosquitoes are a problem, try these solutions.


The Unconventional Guide to Mosquito Control

Want the very best and smartest tips on how to create a toxin-free home? Sign up for our free 12-week e-course – The Zen of Pure Living. We take you step-by-step to learn about how to live healthier at home. Sign up today for a new perspective on a healthy home.



The Organic Manual – Natural Organic Gardening and Living for Your Family, Plants and Pets by Howard Garrett aka The Dirt Doctor.